Virtual Reality Company South Africa

Top Virtual Reality Company South Africa

Virtual Reality offers what few other platforms do when it comes to application – the sky is the limit. Even fantastical environments or futuristic products can be created in Virtual Reality, offering never before seen concepts. Most architecture or everyday products and environments can also be created in Virtual Reality. As a virtual reality company in South Africa we have found that VR  could be used in the following ways:

Learning management system

Retail Space

VR can be a great medium to show potential customers what the store offers rather than posting several pictures. This way, they can also know which parts of the store to go to when looking for something specific.


Having the opportunity to view a hotel or restaurant is a great advantage. You not only get a feel of the environment and ambience but can get the chance to pick the best spot or room with the best view before booking!

Sales and Marketing

Virtual reality can be used to make people aware of a new service or product in an impactful way. It can be further used to persuade potential clients and investors.

Literally anything imaginable

The possibilities are endless when it comes to Virtual Reality. Any idea can be brought to life.

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Virtual Tour Production

A virtual tour is a collection of 360° panoramic photographs, linked to each other through clickable objects or areas, to provide the viewer with an immersive experience of the environment of these photographs. What sets Virtual Tours apart from 360° Video is its nonlinear movement. Since there is no forward motion of the video forcing the viewer along, a Virtual Tour provides an immersive space where the viewer can stay and explore an environment at their leisure. Virtual tours could be used in a variety of ways, such as:


Using virtual reality for training can save time and money. The use of virtual reality for training means that a training instructor will not be necessary. It can be used many times over and can prove to be an effective way to demonstrate the material.

House sales or rentals

Having virtual tours for houses for sale or to rent makes things easier for both the estate agent and the potential buyer or lessee. There will no longer be a need to physically view the house; everything can be done in the comfort of your own home or office.

Presenting Novel concepts

New concepts very often need detailed explanations and lots of visuals to ensure better understanding. Virtual Reality creates a memorable experience, making it the perfect platform for this.

Tourism or popular attractions

Brochures and conventional pictures can’t showcase picturesque scenes as well as a virtual tour. The viewer can take in the area as if they are really there.

Education and induction

New employees can get a guided tour of a building or facility without really being there. For as long as it is relevant, this can even be used on more than one occasion saving time and money.


Virtual tours for factories and facilities can be used to form part of an informational marketing campaign; showing clients how products are manufactured at the facilities or factory.

Sound Idea Digital is a Content Production and Systems Development Agency based in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town South Africa. Sound Idea was started by Francois Karstel and has been in business for over 29 years. Our team has travelled Africa, the UK and Europe extensively. Our foreign clients enjoy highly competitive rates due to the fluctuating exchange rates.

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