South African Character Animation Studio
As a leading character animation studio, we have worked on countless projects and found that 2D and 3D Character animation have grown in popularity over the past couple of years. Our experienced animators are well versed in the different versions of animation. Here is some information on 2D and 3D character animation as well as how they can be used:
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3D and 2D Character Animation are suitable for conveying edgy or sensitive topics. They can, for example, be used to make an induction video about sexual harassment in the workplace or a health and safety video that demonstrates the possibility of a building burning down.
2D Character Animation is not what it used to be in the past where a few seconds of footage would necessitate drawing each movement frame by frame. Now everything is automated and requires less time to create, thus reducing production costs. You can even have a 2D character animation created to look like the CEO of a company.