Sound Idea Digital

Video Production10 Reasons Why Video for Marketing is Essential
video for marketing

10 Reasons Why Video for Marketing is Essential

Video for marketing is the single most effective content medium and should be an integral part of your content strategy. As of 2019 Youtube was the second biggest social media platform with 79% of internet users having a Youtube account. Over 1 billion hours of video is consumed on the platform every single day. As a tool it is dynamic, versatile, captivating and potentially viral. Still not convinced? Read my list…

video for marketing

1. Video is Concise and Comprehensive

The typical internet user has a short attention span, which means in order to maintain it you need to be providing the most effective and concise content.

In terms of virality and community interaction, video has proven time and time again to be the most effective medium at garnering attention and facilitating discussion.

3. Video Content is the Currency of the Internet

All your competitors are putting video for marketing content out, which means if you aren’t participating you are losing out.

4. Video for Marketing is Highly Accessible

Video is accessible to anyone with an internet connection, can easily be shared and referenced.

5. Video for Marketing is Versatile

Video allows you to be creative and original – even if you don’t have a massive budget. It allows you to show customers exactly what you’re about while being interesting at the same time. In videos, supplementary information can be added seeing as there are two streams of information – audio and visual. While visuals are showing one thing, the narrator can add extra points to complement the images. Additionally you can reuse, repurpose and reference video throughout your everyday content, from presentations to proposals and everything in between.

6. Video for Marketing is Entertaining

People will much rather watch a video than read an essay. It’s fast, entertaining and inspires action and emotion. Because of its entertainment value, viewers spend more time listening to you. They don’t just “skim read” as they would an article (I’m watching you)– they actually pay attention and take in everything you’re offering.

7. Video is Believable

Video based customer testimonials have more credibility than testimonials that you’ve written because the medium allows you to deliver a more comprehensive message.

8. Easy to Understand

The benefits of your product can be clearly shown. Video makes it easy to convey information in a clear and comprehensive manner. It’s easier to explain complex ideas and can be much more suited to the information than if it is being read.

9. Video is Cost-Effective

Over time, your video content, if evergreen, will continue to be watched. A video’s lifecycle is longer than most content mediums. People expect fresh content constantly when it comes to the written word. With video, you don’t have to post every day, but when you do post, make sure to make it worth the viewer’s while.

10. Videos are Great for Training

In many cases it is more beneficial to have a training video instead of one person training a group of people. You can make use of different angles, close ups, slow motion and repeat actions. If trainees don’t understand they can rewind and double check. Training videos are very cost effective as they can be reused, time and time again. Additionally videos are easy to update which is essential for training as curriculum’s and subjects evolve over time.

video for marketing

Looking for another reason why you need video for marketing? Get in touch with our team today!

We are a full-service Web development and Content Production Agency in Gauteng specialising in Video ProductionAnimationeLearning Content Development, and Learning Management SystemsContact us for a quote. | | Our Portfolio | +27 82 491 5824 |

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Sound Idea Digital is a Content Production and Systems Development Agency based in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town South Africa. Sound Idea was started by Francois Karstel and has been in business for over 29 years. Our team has travelled Africa, the UK and Europe extensively. Our foreign clients enjoy highly competitive rates due to the fluctuating exchange rates.

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