Augmented Reality Production

Top Augmented Reality Production in Gauteng

Augmented Reality production involves real locations and adding information in the form of multimedia objects or information. Its popularity has soared in recent years. From Instagram filters to Pokémon Go, the combination of Virtual Reality and the real world enhances what the viewer sees, feels and hears. It can be viewed on desktop, tablet or mobile, but works best with a headset or specialised glasses. In a nutshell, it is a technology that integrates computer-generated images into the user’s view of reality. It makes use of existing reality and physical objects to trigger computer-generated enhancements over the top of reality, in real-time.

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Augmented Reality can be incorporated in three ways namely placing a subject on a flat surface, capturing and programming projects to be added to environments to create more information about it or using a QR code to indicate more information. It could also be used in a few ways, such as:

Augmented Reality and Architecture

With Augmented Reality an entire building or feature can be placed at the exact location before it is even built, to better indicate size and impact on the environment.

Learning management system

Maintenance and technical Augmented reality

By offering additional information or walkthroughs on maintenance or repair processes, Augmented Reality can reduce mistakes and increase efficiency.


Augmented Reality can allow companies to see which products consumers are most interested in and also offer a way to update cost information from a central point, saving time and money.


With Augmented Reality, educators can bring an entire environment alive within the boundaries of the classroom, for a better understanding of the topics discussed.

Sound Idea Digital is a Content Production and Systems Development Agency based in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town South Africa. Sound Idea was started by Francois Karstel and has been in business for over 29 years. Our team has travelled Africa, the UK and Europe extensively. Our foreign clients enjoy highly competitive rates due to the fluctuating exchange rates.

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