The Instructional Design Checklist Part 1
eLearning development employs instructional design and content development to produce interactive online learning material. Depending on the proposed instructional design methodology the development process requires a great deal of project management and traditional design know-how. A well-produced eLearning course is technically sound, engaging, stimulating, and constantly progressing towards more advanced learning outcomes. The entire development process can be long and complex if not managed correctly, to ensure you haven’t missed anything we have prepared an instructional design checklist to aid the process, let’s start with part 1.

Did you perform a student analysis?
Have you identified your intended audience and their required level of competence? Student analysis is essential because it acts as a starting point for the entire process. This is the first step in creating engaging eLearning and ensures the material created straddles the line between anxiety and boredom. Too difficult and the student becomes anxious, too easy and the student becomes bored.
Have learning outcomes been established?
Based on the student analysis your learning outcomes should match the students required competence. Learning outcomes should be progressive to ensure the learner stays engaged.
Have all available resources been identified?
With any content development, your team should always perform a content audit to identify available resources for the project. Once resources have been identified it is essential to repurpose and optimise them to ensure you get the most out of your content assets. Large video clips can be broken down into smaller clips or images can be converted and compressed to decrease the course bandwidth requirements.

Was every instructional design methodology considered?
There are multiple instructional design methodologies each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Consider the nature of the material, project constraints, stakeholders and subject matter experts as these typically sway the methodology employed.
Has the project plan been proposed?
A strong project plan caters to every individual involved and always allows consistent stakeholder communication. This is especially true when the material is complex in nature and requires considerable subject matter expert feedback. Always establish your channels and frequency of communication and include them as part of the project plan.
Stay tuned for Part 2 where we continue the checklist.
Interested in instruction design? Get in touch with our team today!
We are a full-service Web development and Content Production Agency in Gauteng specialising in Video Production, Animation, eLearning Content Development, and Learning Management Systems. Contact us for a quote. | Info@soundidea.co.za | Our Portfolio | +27 82 491 5824 |