
Website Development – Midvaal Municipality

We were tasked to design and develop a website for the Midvaal municipality to promote local tourism.

As part of the project, we took photographs and videos specifically tailored for the website. What made this ideal was that we planned the layout of the website and knew exactly what photographs and videos were needed. For example: The aspect ratio of the photos, composition, branding and topics were planned in advance to ensure each piece of content on the website is developed to specification. This information was especially valuable when planning for the shoot as each content item was carefully planned in conjunction with the development of the website. The fact that the video and photographs were meant for the website means that the video and photos supplemented the content on the website perfectly.

The process started with a kick-off meeting to discuss the content required, project parameters, shoot dates and key project members. During this meeting it was important that our team got a good grasp of their company branding as it would play a pivotal role in the development of the website and content.

After this meeting we began working on the website template. The first step is to work out the parameters of the template based on the goals of the client and purpose of the website. Some templates are tailored to focus on specific content styles or methods of delivery. For example: A blog template and a retail template are vastly different. Once the parameters for the websites content is determined and the template has been identified, we presented the final template to the client. They requested some changes to the template which required custom development. The additional changes to our development team a day to develop and test, this meant the website template could be finalised as quickly as possible. The website ‘look and feel’ is often the biggest bottleneck in the project, as it has so many ‘moving parts’, getting it completed early on in the project will streamline the remainder of the projects content.

Check out some pages of the website below:




Through our photography we got the opportunity to explore the Midvaal area and showcase what the town has to offer. Although it is only a stone’s throw away, we didn’t realise it is such a gem of a place.

Looking to develop a custom built website with tailored content and marketing? Get in touch with our team today!

We are a full-service Web development and Content Production Agency in Gauteng specialising in Video ProductionAnimationeLearning Content Development, and Learning Management SystemsContact us for a quote. | Info@soundidea.co.za | Our Portfolio | +27 82 491 5824 |

Sound Idea Digital is a Content Production and Systems Development Agency based in Pretoria, Johannesburg and Cape Town South Africa. Sound Idea was started by Francois Karstel and has been in business for over 29 years. Our team has travelled Africa, the UK and Europe extensively. Our foreign clients enjoy highly competitive rates due to the fluctuating exchange rates.

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